Tuesday, August 31, 2010

full color tattoo

full color tattoo

full color tattoo

Eagle Tattoos

As we mentioned before, if you are an animal lover and seeking a bird tattoo of any type, you are in for a treat, because bird tattoos are hands down some of the most captivatingly beautiful works of art on the market.

Not surprisingly eagle tattoos are perhaps the most common of all bird designs, which comes naturally for those of us in America, when you consider that eagles go hand in hand with the American flag and are symbolic of freedom, prosperity and patriotism towards the United States.

Enjoy this picture gallery of fantastic eagle artwork which will most certainly help you come up with a few ideas.

The most common location for an eagle tattoo includes the back, chest, bicep and calf area.

As for the details of the actual design, it seems that many people like to have the eagle donning open wings to appear in flight or perhaps swooping or striking its prey.

Some people choose to combined multiple designs into one piece of art, however unlike many other tattoo ideas, an eagle is such a prominently beautiful creature they look exceptionally bold as a stand along piece of artwork.

Some things you should know!

So, you want a new tattoo. You heard through the grapevine that So-And-So Tattoos were the guys to go see. You muster up a little bit of creative spunk and start planning out what you want. You may even go so far as to draw the entire tattoo yourself… you know, just to make sure it’s EXACTLY as you plan. You’re ready. You call your buds to meet you there. You hop in your car. You’re off to the Tattoo Shop!

There are some things you need to know. These things will keep you from looking like a fucking retard during your tattoo experience.

A.) You may be an award winning illustrator, but you are not a Tattoo Artist. Your “sweet drawing” is probably going to undergo severe changes to make it tattoo-ready. There are different considerations for art that is intended to be used as a tattoo. We push the gamut from time to time but tattooing is a time honored tradition. There are guidelines to what can and cannot be done that our forefathers placed forth to us. What looks good today may not necessarily look good 10 years from now. So trust in the fact that we know what we are doing before you go throw a tantrum and march on down to the next shop. Which leads me to the next topic…

B.) Get work done from a REPUTABLE SHOP! Not a fucking kitchen. Not a tanning salon/restaurant/hybrid-ass tattoo shop. Make sure the artists do clean, solid work. Look at their portfolios. Make sure they are certified in Blood-borne Pathogens, First Aid, and in some cases (if required) CPR. If the tattoos in their portfolios look bloody, chewed up, glossy and painful - stop what you are doing and shop around for a bit before you jump off the deep end and get yourself a colorful scar. That shit is wack. For real.

C.) "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten" - Benjamin Franklin.

You want your tattoo “HOOKED UP“? The answer is no. I can’t walk in to a Harley Davidson and demand that I get a Bike half off just because I feel like I deserve it. This isn’t our fucking hobby dude. This feeds our children. This pays our bills. This is our job. So if you can’t respect that - keep on truckin’ cause we’re not hearing that shit. We work hard and put ourselves in the direct line of fire for a lot of dumb shit to be where we are today as successful tattoo artists. Your inability to pay for something that is priced fairly is a slap in the face to what we do. Save your money… and come talk to me when you got your math proper. But you probably won’t because now that artist that quoted you is an asshole because he didn’t show you and your boys any love. It’s cool. Blowout Ink is down the street and I heard you get raffled into a Hepatitis C giveaway after every tattoo.

D.) You get a better tattoo from the artist of your choice if you give him/her the idea, and let them have fun with it. In some cases you even get a more lenient price (since that seems to be such a factor to everyone these days) because now your tattoo is going to be fun to do, and not a pain in the ass like the lady before you that came in and wanted 13 initials inside of her roses on the insides of her thighs.

E.) You received a tattoo. A tattoo is a service. Just like getting your table waited on at a restaurant, or getting your nails and hair done… just a little more permanent. You ask, “Should I tip?” - You can answer that question for yourself. And then re-ask that question to yourself again when you got hooked up because the tattoo you got was rad. Showing a little gratuity on a job well done doesn’t hurt anyone… and some people don’t forget.

These are just a few of the gripes that my colleagues and I have with our angle of the industry. I figured I’d let the unknowing future potential client understand that there are ways to prevent themselves from sucking… as well as the clients that have sucked before, and needed a chance to redeem themselves.

Thanks for reading.

Sleeve Tattoos For Girls

Clearly there is not limit in the range of designs a girl can choose from when selecting a sleeve tattoo, however we've determined that the most common sleeve tattoos for women often include flowers, sometimes as the centerpiece or perhaps to complement a larger design.

Green vegetation sleeve tattoo idea for women.
Large flower and peacock idea.
Colorful artwork with four leaf clovers.
Nautical star with large rose.
Youthful toy inspired art.
Bright cosmic design picture.

Quarter Sleeve Tattoos

The quarter sleeve tattoo is a partial design which starts at the top of the shoulder and usually extends to just above the bicep area. And despite these shorter sleeve designs being rather small in size, they really pack a punch, as you can includes several smaller tattoo designs within this compact quarter sleeve.
Skull and flowers quarter idea.
Aztec inspired quarter tattoo.
Voodoo skull and vegetation art.
Japanese dragon and crystal ball idea.
Koi fish and water artwork.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Most Popular Sexy Tattoos

Both men and women are getting sexy tattoos these days to express themselves, and the number of people getting these tattoos continue to skyrocket. There are so many sexy tattoo designs out there that it shouldn't be hard to find one that suits you. However, if you just can't make up your mind, you will find some more about the 5 most popular sexy tattoo designs right here.

1) The Tribal Tattoo

Tribal tattoos are really the most popular nowadays and they continue to increase in popularity every year. They feature very distinctive, sexy, yet artistic artwork that can carry many different meanings. Celtic tattoos are the most admired among all the tribal tattoos. Celtic tattoo designs are best known for their color, interlacing patterns, complex knots, animal forms and different kinds of symbols. Most men want to have tattoos placed on their arms or shoulders. Women normally have tribal tattoos done on their lower back or pelvic area. These kinds of tattoos are undeniably popular, no matter where they are located. Remember to pick your location wisely, specially if you're looking for a sexy look.

2) The Rose Tattoo

The tattoo coming in at second place on the list of sexy tattoos is the Rose. The rose tattoo emblem is the most popular flower tattoo choice for females. Over the years, roses have taken on the meaning of love and romanticism. Although mostly worn by females, males also adorn rose tattoos especially when signifying a meaning for someone else.

3) The Butterfly Tattoo

The Butterfly is usually thought of as joyful and happy creature. The same is thought of when it comes to butterfly tattoos. A lot of people view the butterfly as a sign of transformation or rebirth. The butterfly insect is best known for its beautifully colored and designed wings. What appears to be a normal butterfly image can be turned in to a beautiful piece of artwork because it can be colored and custom tailored to meet the needs and wants of the person who is about to get one of these sexy tattoos.

4) The Star Tattoo

The star tattoo design comes in fourth on my list. Regardless of gender, it can be used for many purposes like as a form of symbol, a fashion trend or type of accessory of the body A star reflects success and dignity. It often represents the hard work and perseverance of people to reach their goals. Star designs have an infinite number of varieties. Most popular among them are the hexagram, pentagram and shooting star. Some Jewish myths are also associated with the point star designs. The reason why large number of people choose the star design is the amazing beauty it offers.

5) The Heart Tattoo

The heart tattoo seems to be the tattoo symbol that is used most often. It is also a very recognizable symbol in today's society. People have always associated heart tattoos with expressing affection or devotion to a loved one unconditionally. People have added their own designs and meaning to the countless different heart icons that are around. No matter what you use the emblem for, sexy heart tattoos are, and will always be a very recognizable and popular tattoo design.

Getting a tattoo is a serious decision and that's why selecting a great design must be a top priority. Most of the people make impulsive decisions when selecting their design and a lot of times end up regretting their decision. Take your time and ensure about what you want before walking in a parlor. Your character, individuality, and uniqueness is revealed by the design you choose. Hence, it's extremely important to select your design wisely.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Shat. Staying busy.

New tattoo style

New tattoo style

Modern Tattoo women Pictures

Modern Tattoo women Pictures
Modern Tattoo women Pictures
Modern Tattoo women PicturesThe history to tattoo is probably as old as humanity. It achieved various innumerable goals. Some of them were rites of passage, punishment, protection, and marks of fertility. It was also employed to mark outlaws such as slaves. The tattooing of word comes from the tatu of word of Tahitian, which means to mark something.

Modern Tattoo women Pictures

Modern Tattoo women Pictures
Modern Tattoo women Pictures
Modern Tattoo women PicturesThe history to tattoo is probably as old as humanity. It achieved various innumerable goals. Some of them were rites of passage, punishment, protection, and marks of fertility. It was also employed to mark outlaws such as slaves. The tattooing of word comes from the tatu of word of Tahitian, which means to mark something.

Arm and Back Body Tattoo Design

Arm and Back Body Tattoo DesignArm and Back Body Tattoo Design

Arm and Back Body Tattoo Design

Arm and Back Body Tattoo DesignArm and Back Body Tattoo Design
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