Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chin up!

I love these sad looking old school ladies, from Rachi Brains

Monday, March 29, 2010

Painted Lady

This is a gorgeous take on the day of the dead ladies, by Tony Ciavarro.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Girls! Girls! Girls!

A pinup overload from Danylo Stefan.

Back To Reality

Classic stuff from Cecil Porter, his others can be viewed here.

Hardest Body Parts to Tattoo and Why

Neck tattoo is a very complex, there are several factors to become amateur area. The first one with the tattooed neck problem is that there is no good place to rest, while the tattoo's hand. Awkward position with the tattoo artists often have to pivot has its own wrists, elbows float, which is polar, with the usual location of tattoo just the opposite. The neck skin is very thin, we must seriously work or to ink bleeding the line will not be easy.

To do is the foot can be a real nightmare. Some people on the feet, based on ink well, but some people like feet skin decent fight every step of the ink penetration of the skin. Even if the ideals of the skin of the foot has brought some good places, they do not rest the problem, while the palm and wrist tattoo.

Tattoo pantie line is difficult not because of the skin, but the placement. Pantie line of skin around the tattoo it across well, and retain pantie line with the ideal color well.The problem is that it is an awkward area to tattoo placement as an artist must always be watched with hands, to do professional work.

In terms of design the form of facial tattoo or facial make up may be the most complex parts of the body tattoo. There are some problems with swelling, bleeding, retention and face ink ink penetration.The meat fat, the ink is often easier to spread a very careful and skilled hands of facial tattooing is required.

How to Get a Tattoo off Your Body

There are many tattoo off your skin in several ways, but they are not easy, pleasant or simple ....

Vanish methods:

Disappeared is the latest development in removing tattoos. This method usually involves a series of face cream / is absorbed into the skin friction. The series, used in combination, leading to decomposition of the ink, which in the human body, and then dispose of the components. This procedure is basically speed up the body get rid of foreign bodies of your body's natural processes, in which case it is ink. Over time the tattoo becomes lighter and lighter, so tattoo "fades away."
This is probably the cheapest and most painful removal method. This is the only way there is no risk of scarring. However, it does require some patience. Results do not see overnight

Surgical methods:

Most doctors advise patients, the complete elimination of tattoos is not possible. A small number of doctors to ensure complete removal. If they do not care! This may be your first signs, warning signs.

How to effectively remove the technology depends on the size, location, tattoo, color and ink type of use of the age.

Also aware of possible side effects - scarring and pain

These are:

Laser: Laser technology, infiltration and sabotage of the ink was injected into an article of your skin. Like a lost method, ink particles were taken away by the laser damaged the body's natural systems and as excreta disposal.
This removal method involves laser or intense pulsed light treatment of multiple types of use. Which type of all the tattoo ink colors may be. Laser has increased in the past few years. It has taken two years, the average removal of tattoos, and even the whole process is not fully guaranteed. Although modern lasers and lighting systems can eliminate the time and less tattoos, this process is entirely dependent on the laser type, number of sessions and the patient's body. In the leasing of several treatment is necessary, even today. Perform this procedure under local anesthesia or none at all. It is used today more expensive methods.

Cryosurgery: This method involves freezing area of tattoo prior to cancellation of his removal frequently used technique is dermabrasion (This method involves the elimination of all of the skin and ink of the tattoo. A sanding instrument is designed to close the "surface and" sand middle layer of the skin.'s tattoo is "sanding" with rotating grinding tools to remove all skin. haemorrhage is likely to occur. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia or local and oral / IV sedation carried out. dermabrasion price range from 1000 dollars to thousands of dollars depending on the scope of processed.)

Excision: the tattooed area is cut off your skin and the surrounding skin sutured together. This approach left a scar. Only a small tattoo or a small part of the tattoo can be removed once. Of a larger tattoo may require several treatments and skin graft. If it is from other parts of the body may need a large tattoo of the skin

Thursday, March 25, 2010

how to removal tattoo with laser...? | tattoo removal

tattoo removalNowadays laser technology is one of the most used techniques for tattoo removal. Laser removal works by targeting the tattoo with highly concentrated rays of colored laser light that will go into the outer layer of the skin. Only the ink absorbs the N light.
The ink is destroyed into small fragments, which later on are carried away by the immune system of your own body. Usually it takes 3-10 treatments to get your tattoo completely removed.
The number of treatments depends the size, location, depth and color of your tattoo. Treatments should be 6-8 weeks apart. This is the time necessary to give your body enough time to remove the ink fragments. Each tattoo session takes 10-30 minutes.
3 different types of laser are used for tattoo removal. Which laser will be used depends on the color of ink and skin color of the patient. So if you have a colorful tattoo, it is wise to go to a center which has three types.

The three laser types are:
-The Q-swithed Ruby, this one is more effective on sky-blue and green tattoos. This kind of laser is hard to use on dark types of skin.
-The Q-switched Alexandrate, this one is used for removal of blue-black and green tattoos.
-The Q-switched Nd.YAG, this laser is partially advanced in removing red, black and blue ink.
Because this laser doesn't absorb melatonin from the skin it is more suited for people with a dark skin color.

New tattoos are harder to remove than old ones. Older tattoos contain less ink than new ones. The body absorbs some of the ink.
Turquoise colored tattoos are especially difficult to remove, because there is no laser that effectively can break down this color.
Tattoos which are red, white or flesh colored are also difficult to remove. These colors may turn black after laser treatment.

Laser tattoo removal can cause some discomfort. Most people describe it as a needle sting or the snapping of a rubber band against your skin. This feeling is caused by the pulses of the laser.
Usually 10-30 pulses of the laser are required in one treatment.

To minimize the pain ice and a local anesthetic cream can be put on the tattoo site.You can also take Tylenol a few hours before the procedure. Products like aspirin should be avoided as they have a tendency to bruising.
In rare cases the surgeon will inject a local anesthetic into the tattoo before the laser treatment.
Talk to the surgeon before the procedure about ways to minimize the pain if this is something you worry about.

After each laser treatment your skin will be red and feel like it has sunburn. There may also be some bruising. When your tattoo has red in it, there may also some blister. Usually the blisters will heal within 7 days.

After the procedure an antibiotic ointment and a sterile dressing will be placed on the tattoo. The feeling of sunburn usually goes away after a couple of hours. The skin needs time to heal. You should avoid that the treated area comes in contact with water for a few days. The tattoo will fade over the next few weeks.

Side effects of laser treatments are usually few. If you scar badly from sunburn, you will have a problem with this method of tattoo removal.
Other side effects which can occur are:

-Hyper pigmentation (the skin becomes darker)
-Hypo pigmentation (the skin becomes lighter)
-There is also a small chance of scaring and infection.
-Incomplete removal of tattoo and skin discoloration.

There have been a few cases known of people who have suffered an allergic reaction after laser treatments to tattoo removal. This was caused by the ink released from the tattoo.
Tattoo removal is by no means cheap. Each laser session will cost between $100 and $1000 per session. The price per session depends on how big your tattoo is and how colorful. On average you will need 3-10 sessions. The amount of sessions you need depends on the depth of the tattoo, the amount, the color and composition of the ink used and on the skin color.
So the total cost can vary from a couple of hundred dollars for a small superficial black tattoo to thousands of dollars for a large professional colorful tattoo

Ladies Body painting

This ladies very nice body painting............

Mengapa Kita Perlu Belajar Musik???

Belajar/kursus musik – entah itu memainkan instrumen ataupun menyanyi – adalah proses seumur hidup. Namun anda tidak akan pernah menyesal melakukannya. Mengapa?

1. Bermusik meningkatkan kecerdasan anda.
Berbagai studi yang mempelajari dampak musik terhadap otak manusia membuktikan bahwa siswa yang aktif bermusik memiliki prestasi yang relatif lebih baik di sekolah dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan mereka yang tidak belajar musik. Para peneliti mengatakan bahwa bermusik meningkatkan IQ, kemampuan baca anak serta merangsang perkembangan bagian-bagian tertentu dari otak. Bagi orang dewasa, bermusik membantu meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan membuat otak lebih aktif sehingga memperbaiki daya ingat.

2. Belajar musik mengajarkan disiplin.
Belajar atau kursus musik – khususnya bermain alat musik – merupakan sebuah proses tak berkesudahan. Salah satu kualitas musisi yang berhasil adalah kedisiplinan. Anda perlu memiliki sikap disiplin untuk bisa menguasai alat musik yang anda pelajari. Bukankah modal utama menjadi musisi handal adalah latihan, latihan dan latihan ?

3. Memainkan Alat Musik Mengusir Rasa Stres
Kita semua pasti sependapat bahwa “mendengarkan” suara musik mampu mengusir rasa stress dan penat. Nah, “memainkannya” berdampak lebih dari itu: ia mampu menciptakan kebahagiaan, bahkan mampu menenangkan jiwa dan pikiran anda !!!

4. Bemusik menciptakan Kebanggaan dalam Berprestasi
Saat kita baru mulai belajar musik – atau katakanlah belajar memainkan lagu – bisa jadi dapat membuat frustasi. Namun saat kita menguasainya, kepuasan yang dirasakan tak ternilai harganya. Tidak perduli betapapun sederhananya sebuah lagu, anda tidak akan melupakan saat-saat anda menguasainya: sebuah momen penting karena Anda telah maju selangkah dalam mencapai tujuan anda, dan tentunya suatu prestasi yang patut dibanggakan bukan?

5. Bermusik itu Menyenangkan !!
Belajar musik memang butuh kerja ekstra keras, namun sekaligus juga menyenangkan. Bayangkan kegembiraan saat anda berhasil menguasai sebuah lagu tertentu dan mendemonstrasikannya didepan teman-teman dan keluarga anda. Atau, mungkin musik bahkan bisa menuadi profesi anda? Menjadi profesi atau tidak, bermusik jelas akan memperkaya hidup anda !!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Toy Glory

The blogs second barbie, from Nikko Hurtado.

Arm Tattoos

Arm has always been a favorite one of the sites tattoo body. Years ago, before getting so much popularity of tattoos, sailors and bikers will showcase their upper arm, so that they can be easily seen. Such as the needle girls, motorcycles, and old school tattoo tattoo mother proudly wore then and still is. Arm tattoos will never be out of date, it is easier to understand.

Anyone who knows the signing of your arm is still very popular, but the design changed over the years. Old school tattoo still needed, but there are so many designs to choose from, choose from today. Tattoo shop in the design of books and wall coverings, the Internet and online galleries and so many good tattoo artists drowned, the sky is the limit with one arm tattoo. Arm of the more common a number of tribal and Celtic tattoo designs and barbed wire wrapped around the arm is another popular choice.

If you want the ultimate tattoo designs, you may want to consider sleeve tattoos. These wrap around the whole arm, there are three kinds of lengths. All sleeves and start, shoulders and in-depth wrist. Semi-set began to shoulder, but in the end at the elbow. The quarter set the end at the elbow and wrist. These large, detailed and complex design sometimes take several hours to complete, so you will be in the living room of the tattoo several times to find, until it is completed.

Arm tattoo is not only men, because many women choose them. Tattoo placed on your body, which was also the most painful one of the sites up to one. This is because the arm muscles more than other areas of the body, making it the perfect place to tattoo some meat.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Angelina Jolie tattoos | tattoos women

Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures
Angelina Jolie has the phrase "know your rights" tattooed just below the base of her neck.

The tattoo has become more and more popular these days, a lot people around me are got gorgeous tattoos! From tribal to star, from butterfly to dragon, really cool! Of course, a lot celebrities are get tattoos. Today we talking about Angelina Jolie's tattoos.

Angelina Jolie is an American actress and Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. She has received three Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and an Academy Award.I love Angelina very much.

Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures
Angelina's back tattoos has been edited and added to almost as much as her arms, if not moreso. She used to wear the Japanese kanji that translated to "death" on her left shoulder, but that tattoo was covered over with an elaborate Buddhist prayer of protection. It is a Sanskrit blessing in the Cambodian language, and she has said it is to honor her first adopted son Maddox.
Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures
Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures

Her lower back is the area that has been added to the most. Originally she had two tiny tribal-style designs on either side of her spine and a small dragon. However on a trip to Thailand, she had that work topped by a large tiger design.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Collection Ear Tattoos Design

Skull Tattoo in Ear
Skull Tattoo in Ear

Skull Tattoo in Ear
Flower Tattoo in Ear

Butterfly Rib Tattoos For Women

Butterfly Tattoo recalled a woman's ribs, rib amazing, especially if they are signed, for example, they are symmetrical curve of the body. Up to the theme of this type can be painful, but the potential of the human body amazing art of one of the reasons sufficient, through it.

Butterfly has been considered to be due to its natural beauty and symbolic significance of the women loved the design of tattoos. Women are always involved in what is a butterfly from a tiny cocoon through a colorful life, the majority of people in favor of the freedom of roaming the world. It is like a woman out of her women and ready to face any challenge could come her way. It can also refer them to a new life or regeneration of a new beginning. If they are in difficult times, ready to begin in full swing to face the world again, and butterflies can also be symbolic of this. All of these focus on their meaning, its no wonder that a butterfly has been the choice for tattoo designs for women.

Butterfly tattoo rib tattoo woman in a variety of ways depending on her style and preferences. This is a design with a wide range of colors, size and appearance, they can be executed in different colors and sizes, if they are flying in the groups in the applicability and flexibility. They can also be combined with other elements, can best enhance, such as flowers and grapes design. They can sign or just plain black color with some tribal or Celtic art accent. Possibilities are endless, and it is has reached a person's imagination, the most suited to her personality.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Henna - Mehndi Tattoo

In the Middle East, climate warming is the heena plant, scientific name of the Lawson inernis, grow beautiful. For centuries, residents of the country in the Middle East have learned how to smash the henna leaves, and thus produce a powder. If the powder and Mehndi oil mixture, which can be applied to the skin.

Why do some people want to put on the skin's oil and powder mixture? Ah, this is just referred to as tannic acid containing powder chemicals. The tannic acid, so that powder from the crushed leaves, the capacity of dye powder moving objects. When mixed with Mehndi oil, powder can be dyed skin. Brown skin became one of a variety of colors.

Egyptians used to rub the dead Pharaoh's fingers and Mehndi henna oil, and then begin the process of making mummies. Subsequently, various cultures, encourage the creation of the henna / mehdhi tattoo. Every culture has its own unique type of Henna / Mehndi Tattoo.

The Arabs chose to put their hands and feet, large flower designs. Indians like to fine lines of each Henna / Mehndi Tattoo. They painted lace Henna / Mehndi design their hands, forearms, feet and lower legs.

As the inhabitants of the Middle East region's trade with Europe, from reddish-brown dye powder to become familiar with some of the Europeans to create. Then, the other Europeans went to all corners of the earth, these trips of Europeans, some of whom have become with the henna / Mehndi designs familiar face who is wearing a dark skin, Polynesian, the design of a more permanent tattoo. The meeting paved the way for the creation of a henna / Mehndi Tattoo approach.

Although the Polynesian-style tattoo on longer than the henna / Mehndi tattoos, not everyone wants to have his or her skin, a permanent design. Many people like to be able to remove the tattoo, just like a woman to remove makeup. These people eager to buy Henna / Mehndi Tattoo package, wrapped in a variety of locations on the Internet.

The kit includes molds, design books, transfer tattoos, Bindis and man-made body jewelry. They allow anyone to any of his or her part of the body of the blue or black tattoo. This tattoo is still 1-4 weeks for the skin.

The manufacturer of Henna / Mehndi Tattoo sought to capitalize on familiarity with the henna hair dye. In the United States, FDA has recognized that the safety of hair dye. FDA can not, but as a nod approval henna Sales / Mehndi Tattoo.

Made the original skin henna / Mehndi mixed staining either brown, orange brown or reddish brown. This stain is contained in the Haina plant chemicals, with combined Mehndi petroleum chemicals. Blue and black henna / Mehndi packages have more chemicals caused by their tattoos.

Croatian Body Painting

Big Show Tattoos

Paul Donald Wight, Jr is a professional wrestler and actor who is best known by his nickname "The Big Show".

Big Show has four visible tattoos which we have spotted, including a Bengal tiger on his right shoulder and a lion his left shoulder.

He also has a couple of tattoos on his legs.

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