Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wrist Tattoos

Wrist tattoos are very popular for both men and women as there are many design choices available. There are also several placement options as well. Here are some ideas to consider before you get your wrist tattoo.

One of the most popular choices for wrists are bracelet type tattoos that encircle the entire wrist. Good design choices for this are a chain, barbed wire, celtic or tribal designs, flowers and even quotes or wording. If you don't want this type of tattoo, then you can either have your ink on the top or underside of your wrist. The design options for these placement areas are endless. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Hearts
  • Stars
  • Zodiac Sign
  • Butterfly, Dragonfly, Ladybug, Lizard, Frog, Spider, Turtle (or any other flying or crawling critter)
  • Cross (or other religious symbols)
  • Dolphin
  • Sun or Moon
  • Name or Words
  • Angel
  • Cherries or Cherry Blossoms
  • Chinese or Japanese Symbols
  • Musical Notes
  • Clover
  • Horseshoe
  • Dove

Almost any small design will work great for a wrist tattoo. Many people have a design starting at the wrist and then going up the arm. Another idea is to have both wrists tattooed with different words or symbols that compliment each other. There is really a lot of unique ideas for these types of tattoos, but they just have to be on a small scale.

Many people also choose this location to get their tattoo because depending on the design, it can be easily hidden. You may need to hide it because of your job or other reasons and a watch or bracelet can be worn over the tattoo to cover it up.

Wrist tattoos are also a good choice for someone that is getting their first tattoo. Many times people want a small one to begin with and these are perfect for that. Use the above ideas to get you started on planning your wrist tattoo.

Source :

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tattoo Design For Guys - Great Tattoo Drawings That Guys Absolutely Love

Like girls, guys also have the flare for colors and beauty. You would be surprise that they are also quite meticulous in choosing their own tattoo designs and they seek inspirations from various sources. Here are some of the most common drawings that they love.

Chains. Guys love the look of chains tattooed on their arms, back, or ankles. The way it is drawn in a coiled form sometimes covers their whole bicep or ankle areas. Styles could vary from the normal chains, barbed wire style, or spiked chains.

Cross. This usual illustration is quite famous for the guys. It may vary in size from small, medium, and large. Some cross tattoos have more carvings on the edges; some are the simple look of intersecting vertical and horizontal lines.

Anchor. Also considered as a sailor tattoo, this tattoo drawing has been around for many generations already and still creates the same frenzy in the tattoo industry even to this day.

Dragon. This mythical creature causes so much fascination to tattoo enthusiasts. It may because of its attractive look and the meaning it projects as well.

Fire. Guys are fond of the effect of flames and they use this as one of their tattoo designs. It usually comes with the smooth blend of colors of red, orange, and yellow.

Flower. You would not believe it but flowers are also bases of guys tattoo designs. Roses, cherry blossoms, and orchids are among the most preferred.

They are also into the symbols of their favorite sports or hobbies such as skateboard, ensigns of their most wanted teams in basketball, soccer, or rugby. For those who love fishing they may take the designs of sharks, dolphins, or barracudas. The younger generation also admires Anime characters that they also opt to have its names or pictures tattooed. The same way they do with their favorite video game characters.

The way that they choose their designs is all about their interests and its significance to them. They project their admiration and their desires through tattoos and usually they carve these on their chests, backs, arms, and necks.

Source :

Drawing Tattoos - Tattoo Ideas

Drawing tattoos is fun but when you get stuck for design ideas it's not so fun as you could get frustrated by having to think about drawing what you love to do, the process of coming up with quality tattoo concept ideas can flow quite easily if you take the following into consideration.

Draw on interests - Your main area of interest you could specialize in and create art based on what you find easy to draw, for example you may like fantasy art, so you can draw many things in this area, like dragons, warriors, dwarves or anything, so long as it gets you thinking about your drawings with solid ideas.

Creative atmosphere - Often in a creative environment when you work with others or you have art on your wall and you are relaxed you can come up with more ideas than you can handle and this is good and can make the difference for your many ideas to flourish, watching a movie while you sketch is one of my favourite ways to be creatively inspired, especially if it's an action packed special effects bonanza that appeals to that part of the brain that subconsciously takes snap shots of all those wonderful images.

Free Drawing - When starting to draw freely without concentrating too much, you don't exactly know what you are going to draw but it's a very useful exercise to try and some of the ideas that you generate can inspire you further if not now, then another day, so keep all of your drawings and concepts in a safe place for viewing when you get stuck for new design material.

Source :

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tattoo Drawings - You Might Be Missing Out on a Lot of Real Artwork

Depending on how you're currently searching for tattoo drawings, there's a huge chance you are staring at bad artwork. When I talk about "bad" art, I am pointing at the generic stuff that's laced throughout the web. This cookie cutter junk seems to be everywhere now, but it's really not, because changing how you search for tattoo drawings will open up the flood gates to original, high quality art.

I'm not trying to make this simpler than it is. It's actually that easy. I know it is, because I've used this simple and effective method so many times in the past and it always brings me to the quality artwork I want and need. It doesn't even matter what style you're hunting for. The biggest mistake most (90%) of us make is something very fixable. We always begin by picking a search engine and using it to look for artwork websites. This is not just some minor mistake, because you won't find the sites that have quality tattoo drawings like this. The better and bigger galleries hardly ever show up in their lists.

Next, I will share the solution for it: Big message boards. Yes, something so simple can bring you to a whole new level of tattoo drawings. These huge message boards have loads of topics about tattoos, which can be found right inside of their archives. You don't want to pass them up, because the larger ones are stuffed with the info you need, such as names and links to the amazing artwork sites you've been missing. You find them because artwork enthusiasts are always sharing their findings and experiences in here.

I can't even begin to imagine how many generic tattoo drawings you've seen lately, but this helps stop it.

Source :

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10 Tips Bermain Drum

1. Selalu menggunakan EAR PLUG (penutup telinga) guna melindungi telinga dari kerusakan dan selalu gunakan pada saat latihan dan tampil. Sekarang banyak pemain drum yang telah mengidap penyakit tinnitus (kuping mendengung) dan sampai sekarang obatnya masih belum ada. Sayangilah pendengaran anda. 

2. Biasakan menggunakan METRONOME setiap kali berlatih sehingga tempo anda senantiasa stabil.

3. Bermainlah dengan RILEKS, jangan tegang dan jangan membuang-buang tenaga, tidak ada gunanya.

4. Selalu menyiapkan STICK sendiri lebih dari satu pasang jika ingin tampil.

5. Jangan terlalu CEPAT PUAS dengan ilmu yang telah anda dapat. Cobalah menambah ilmu lagi dengan cara belajar dari guru drum yang berbeda atau dari teman anda yang lebih berpengalaman.

6. Jangan terlalu FANATIK pada satu atau dua aliran lagu saja, hal inilah yang dapat menghambat kreatifitas pemain dan membuat permainan anda menjadi monoton dan membosankan. Cobalah berbagai macam aliran musik dan usahakan anda dapat memainkan seluruh aliran musik yang ada.

7. Dalam permainan drum harus melibatkan FEEL atau dengan kata lain harus benar2 dirasakan, jangan asal pukul dan jangan pernah berpikiran bahwa semakin keras pukulan semakin bagus. Itu salah! Dan juga jangan berpikir bahwa semakin cepat anda bermain semakin hebat. Tidak juga, kekerasan dan kecepatan tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan musikalitas.

8. Selalu berlatih dari TEMPO yang lambat dan jika sudah sangat terbiasa, tingkatkan temponya perlahan-lahan. Anda harus belajar berjalan dulu baru bisa lari.

9. DENGARKAN pada musisi lainnya, jangan hanya terfokus pada diri sendiri, dengarkan yang lain.

10. Jadilah pemain drum yang KREATIF, beri variasi pada setiap permainan drum yang anda dapat. Karena drum masih merupakan sesuatu yang 'baru', masih banyak variasi baru yang bisa anda dapatkan.

Note: Untuk EAR PLUG anda dapat membelinya di apotik yang besar atau di toko yang menjual perlengakapan militer. Untuk metronome disetiap toko musik pasti ada, dan carilah yang digital.

[berbagai sumber]

Girl Tattoo Galleries - The Number One Choice For Tattoo Choosing

Online girl tattoo galleries are becoming increasingly popular ways of finding the tattoo design that's perfect for you. With a limited supply of tattoos available for you to choose from in a tattoo parlour, many people are looking online for designs that they can give their tattooist to reproduce on their skin.

Girls in particular are generally even pickier about men over which tattoo they should have, and it's not uncommon for them to spend days in many tattoo parlours in order to find that perfect design, and even then it can feel rushed. This is what you don't want; if you rush into a decision you may find that you're not fully happy with it and then you're either stuck with it, or have to spend a serious amount of money on tattoo-removal surgery. The best way to combat this problem is to subscribe to an online tattoo gallery and view their patterns. These patterns can then be given to an experienced tattoo artist to be transferred to your skin. They are often also available to be ordered as temporary tattoos so you can even try before you buy! Girls, if you're thinking about a tattoo and stuck for ideas, get subscribed to a girl's tattoo gallery, you'll thank me later.

You might think it a daunting task to sift through many hundreds, or even thousands, of tattoo patterns online, but you'll soon realise how much fun it can be. You should also find that there is less pressure to buy, or make a decision, if you're just looking online; look at the images in your pajamas, naked, at night time or in the morning - whenever and however you're most comfortable; you'll find that this is the best way to choose a tattoo that you really will love for years to come. Finally, there's the added bonus that you can take your pattern to any tattoo parlour you wish, you're not just limited to the ones that offer your favourite design.

Tattoo galleries are very easy to browse, listing all their tattoo patterns alphabetically by section, so you should be able to jump to exactly what you're looking for straight away. And, if you don't know, then you will definitely find inspiration here. What you find with some of the larger tattoo galleries also, is that they tend to get the best designs from much smaller, individual tattoo-pattern producing websites and bring them together all in one place, often for a better price.

Source :!&id=2109554

Tattoo Art Gallery - There Are Two Types of Galleries Out There

One type of tattoo art gallery will be stuffed to the brim with original, perfectly drawn artwork. The other type will be bloated with every generic design they could get their paws on. Why am I telling you this? I'm doing it because you've probably seen every generic place on the planet, but have no idea where the better galleries are. If you want to pick from the real artwork that a quality tattoo art gallery has, here's the inside scoop.

The first thing you want to do is keep far away from any search engines. You shouldn't be using them when it comes to looking for galleries, because they are not good at supplying us with decent lists of them. In fact, all you get is a list of every bland, cookie cutter tattoo art gallery. Since over 90% of us still use search engines to look for galleries, this is exactly why everyone is drowning in a sea of terrible artwork. Worst of all, people are settling on those garbage designs and then regret it in a couple of months.

The internet is still loaded with better artwork sites, though. How will you find them? It's simple, really: You find them by squeezing into any big type of forum and scooting over to their archive section. This is the only place you need, because artwork topics galore have been started here. They are filled with people just like you, who are sharing names and links to some of the most unbelievable galleries they've found. It give you hope and peace of mind, because you can finally see what a real tattoo art gallery has to offer. Original, high quality artwork beats the heck out of that generic stuff you've been staring at.

So many of you can greatly improve the type of tattoo art gallery you get to pick artwork from.

Source :

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Face Painting Tips and Animal Painting Techniques

As Christmas is approaching faster than Santa can harness the reindeer to his sledge, many of you will be already creating and practising your very own fabulous Christmas face painting creation. There will be those among you that would love to follow suit, but have yet to apply their first brushstroke.

FIRST STEPS: Take things easy at first with simple to do designs. Cheek art is a perfect starting point with basic little patterns featuring holly, berries, snowflakes, stars, Christmas crackers, Christmas trees with a little bauble at the end of the branches, and even little faces. Remember that the theme is Christmas so red, white, green, silver and gold are essential colours. Painting animal markings on the cheeks, eyes and forehead can also look very effective, and because animal markings like tigers aren't straight you will get away with so much whilst perfecting your creation.

TIGER MARKINGS: Use a round brush with a pointed end and black paint. Tiger stripes are best done in groups of three. Always think big to small. Lay your brush down flat (for a thicker start) and while doing your stroke give it a very light wiggle and taper it off at the end. Each stroke is going to have a curved effect to it. Do a group of three one under the other. This effect would be ideal for cheeks with the markings starting on the outside working in towards the eyes. Doing a similar stroke on the forehead, a group of three on either side and tapering downwards towards the eyes would give a great look for an animal face painting.

PAINTING WHISKERS: If you're face painting any animal fancy dress enthusiasts this Christmas try using a small fine pointed brush, working outwards across the cheeks for a whisker effect. For any fine lines you may be painting, you will find that liquid paints will work the best.

FUR EFFECT: When trying to create a fur effect, use a medium-sized brush, working from the centre outwards. That way the edges taper off. Have a go on paper or a face painting practice pad first until you get to grips with the motion needed for your required effect.

ADVANTAGE OF SPONGES: These will play an important part in your face painting kit, being perfect for applying base coats, large areas of paint on the face and body, and great for blending colours. TIP make them go further by cutting them in half

COLOURS: Don't make the mistake that many learners make and rush out to buy every colour under the rainbow. All you need are your primary colours which are blue, yellow, red and black and white. From these you can mix any colour and shade you want, and it will keep costs down.

GLITTER AND STICK-ON JEWELS: Depending what design you are doing, stick-on jewels, diamante and glitter can be used to stunning effect. However, as with face paint, you need to remember to use only glitter and stick-on jewels that are safe to put on a person's skin (eg body glitter). NEVER use aluminum glitter - polyester only. Aluminum glitter can really hurt the eyes and skin.

FAMILY AFFAIR: Use your family and friends to practise on, trying out different ideas. If you begin practising now, you'll be confident enough by Christmas to paint a whole face and there are some quite spectacular and highly popular choices to have a go at. The Ice Queen and animals will always be favourites along with the traditional Santa and Rudolph.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Various Types of Bird Tattoo Design

Bird tattoo designs have taken precedence over all other forms and types of tattoo designs universally. Across time, space and cultures, the bird has stood as a symbol of freedom, of spirit, of soul, of beauty. Flying high in the blue skies, birds are said to be closer to the gods and the heavens, and in many cultures, are viewed as creatures that carry the spirits of the departed to the heavens above.

In the days of old, heroes were always accompanied by birds as they went in pursuit of fiends, ogres, dragons and monsters. In most tales of yore, the birds would fly ahead to spy and return to inform the hero of looming obstacles, thus bringing about the famous phrase, 'a little bird told me'!

Bird tattoos are also very popular due to their connection with religion as well as the mystical. Birds can be found in every era of history; stick figurines of birds have been discovered in the ancient Egyptian tombs in the pyramids, bedecking Arapaho Ghost Dance costumes, at African traditional rituals and weddings across all religions. Christian portrayals of cherubs and angels show them having wings, which are synonymous with birds. In almost all instances, birds are symbols of all the positive things in life, which is why many people tend to go for bird tattoo designs, especially for their first tattoos.

Generally, a bird tattoo design will consist of a pair of birds, depicted together. They tend to be opposites in characteristics; fair to dark, black to white, big to small. This merely shows the dual nature of the universe; where sadness exists, so does happiness. Where night exists, so does day. In other cases, good and evil are also portrayed by birds, for example, when we have a bird tattoo design of a bird fighting a serpent.

Decidedly, there are some implications to birds that are not completely normal. In China, the bird is called the niao, which also means penis, thereby bringing in sexual overtones into bird tattoos. Also, the double meaning of a cock as either a rooster or a penis dates back to eras past in the Rome of old. Some portrayals of birds are quite negative in impact. In Germany, to be insane can be put politely as to 'have a bird'! 'Bird-brain' is also one of the most famous insults in the Western World, although most people do not associate these negative impressions with bird tattoos designs.

You can get plenty of bird tattoo designs on the internet. In the animal kingdom, bird tattoo designs are only a small part of the entire spectrum. To see other types of animal tattoos, do visit our pages on animal tattoos, insect and reptile tattoos, and sea world tattoos!

Some of the most popular bird tattoos include dove, birds of Prey, eagle, birds of Paradise, peacock, sparrow bird, swallow bird and hummingbird tattoos.

Source :

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Using Liquid Latex As Body Paint

The main advantages of using liquid latex over other kinds of body paint are duration and durability. Other body paints tend to rub off and smudge against fabric, often leaving dirty and possibly even stained clothing. Once liquid latex has dried on the skin it does not present these issues. Clothing will remain unblemished by the latex for as long as it is worn. Whilst perspiration and body heat may encourage the latex to separate from the skin slightly, the latex will not smudge or run but remain intact until the wearer removes it by simply tearing or peeling it away from the skin. Again, this does not leave a residue on the skin like many other body paints. Depending on your activities and the thickness of the applications, latex should last many hours before it begins to separate from the skin. If latex is painted entirely around body or body parts it will continue to cling to the body and can still be worn for an unlimited time. Generally, it can be worn out for an entire day or night, can be worn in water, and will last many hours through photo shoots, performances and many other activities.

There are however some minor disadvantages, nothing that should discourage the use of latex, more the need for a little common sense and preparation. Before applying latex to the body it is necessary to patch-test a small area of the skin to check for any allergic reactions. It is quite rare, most people are not allergic to latex, but a small percentage of users have reported skin irritation after coming into contact with this kind of body paint.

On occasions where liquid latex has been applied to the skin over hair it can be both difficult and painful to remove. Wet latex will bond permanently to hair as it does to fabric. The only way to remove latex with hair stuck to it is to pull it off, which of course also rips the hair off the skin. Anyone who has experienced body waxing will be familiar with the level of discomfort. The best preparation when applying liquid latex is to first remove hair from areas of the body to be painted. However, it is not always necessary as liquid latex can be removed from moderate amounts of body hair with little effort and minimum discomfort. Body hair may also be trimmed very short instead of shaving.

When buying liquid latex it is important to read the label and avoid any brand that does not specify 'for cosmetic use' or 'suitable for use as body paint'. Liquid latex is used in many other industries and you need to make sure you buy latex that does not contain toxic chemicals. Purchasing from a reputable body paint supplier is the safest way to ensure you're getting non-toxic latex suitable for skin application.

For the reasons stated above, children should be supervised by a responsible adult at all times when using this type of body paint.

Tribal Sun Tattoos - Meaning, Popularity, Designs of these Sun Tattoos

The sun is the source of all energy, the provider for all lives on earth because without the sun, there'll be no life, the earth will be frozen in darkness. For thousands of years, the sun has been worshiped as god in many ancient cultures. The sun designs can be seen in many artworks of the Mayans, Greeks, Egyptians, Romans, and Babylonians which described it as god, the provider for food, protection, and life. The sun tattoos would symbolize a source of hope, vitality, eternal power, renewing youth, passion, courage, happiness and light.

The sun is considered a masculine symbol and the center of the universe, a provider for all life in the universal family. That's the reason why you see many sun tattoo designs often pair with moons or stars since they have more of a feminine feature. One of the most popular sun tattoos is a circle with sun's rays emanating from the inner circles.

The other really popular sun tattoo is the tribal sun tattoo which have been part of the primitive cultures. Tribal sun tattoos often come with a human face inside the sun circle in a sense of protection from the dark and dangerous side of life. In the Mayans culture, the tribal sun tattoo designs are often the representation of leadership and higher power, depending on the size and color been used.

Tribal tattoo pictures of the sun are so diverse and forms range from simple, monochromatic, swirly sun rays to those complicate with hundreds of rays with facial features inside. Each sun designs speak of an individual signature style and very sexy for both men and women.

There are literally thousands of sun designs out there and don't limit your self to just traditional or simple ones. From what I've seen today, sun tattoos are more popular for their vivid, bright colors, a wide range of influence, and creatively artistic imagination than their meanings.

Source :,-Popularity,-Designs-of-these-Sun-Tattoos&id=2988732

Male Tattoo Pictures - A Great Way to Find Tattoo Design Ideas

Thinking about getting an artwork tattooed on a specific part of your body? One of the most common designs among male tattoos is a fire dragon. Girls rarely sport dragon tattoos, but they are quite popular among men. Dragons symbolize power and heroism. The strongest dragon is the fire dragon. You can have a fire dragon portrayed on your full sleeve, along with fire coming out from its mouths and nostrils.

If dragon tattoo pictures are too common for your taste, why not go for tiger tattoo pictures? Tigers may be a little smaller in size than dragons, but they equally symbolize power, ferocity and speed.

Another wonderful idea is Celtic designs. Celts were always associated with its brave warriors. King Arthur was a very famous Celtic, do you know? Celt warriors, nobles and knights were well known in history for their courage and strength.

If you're stuck for ideas, make the World Wide Web your best friend. The internet is a great way to find great ideas for male tattoo pictures! You can search for tattoo pictures of your favorite image (such as a skull or dragon). Or, you can look for tattoos of your favorite male celebrity or star and have it copied!

Another creative source for tattoo pictures is a tattoo artwork gallery. There are plenty of galleries with decent artwork! Do not settle for boring and generic designs, as many men opt to when they're too lazy or they give up easily. Do not settle with generic junk, or you will truly regret about it later.

Source :

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tribal Dog Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo

You are looking for a tribal dog tattoo - which is awesome. Ideally your choice reflects your personal tastes and sense of aesthetics. But now comes the most important part: searching for the perfect image. The time and effort you put in finding the right tattoo will reflect in how much you (and others) love your tattoo, and for how long. So definitely do the hard work, it will be worth it. For my part, I hope I can help with some tips.

First, avoid using Google as your source for images. Google's image search is great for most things, but it doesn't cater to tattoos in specific. More importantly, it is not unique - everyone has access to the same images and options. If you get a tattoo, you want to know that you are the only person who has it - it should be part of who you are.

My suggestion is to try a site that caters specifically to tattoos. The best feature of such sites is that they offer images and resources that are unique and available only to members. For a fee, you can choose images and work personally with a tattoo artist to customize them, so that your tattoo really reflects and satisfies your own unique tastes. On such sites you also find communities of other tattoo lovers, people who have a wealth of enthusiasm and information to share, and can answer your questions, especially if you're a first-timer. On the best sites you will also find reviews of tattoo parlors in your area, which can be a great help when trying to find a place that is highly regarded, reasonably priced, and safe.

So do the right research in finding the perfect tribal dog tattoo for yourself - body art demands no less

Source :!&id=2125311
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