Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm BAAAaack!!!

Okay, so I'm an ass! I've been home from the show since late Sunday night and haven't gone online for a second until now! The show was a BLAST and a serious success for me! I did some fun ink, met some great folks and signed on a couple of long term clients wanting large pieces! Wooo Hooo!!!
Monday I lazed and slept all day and never booted the computer.
Tuesday I played with my new addiction all day (The Sims 2).
Wednesday I cleaned house, did laundry and began the process of unpacking-reorganizing.

Okay. Now we're caught up to today. Today I'm babysitting my adorable, happy chubbilishous lil Pharoah, and BBQing with the kids whom I've only seen briefly in weeks, so I'm still running behind with my blogging and show pics and slideshows. I promise I'll be up with something with substance by tomorrow!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #2

Thirteen Things about An Artist's Journey
Thirteen Tattoo FAQ's

1) You must be 18 or over to get a tattoo legally.
2) Tattoos are permanent.
3) Tattoos are not just for hookers and sailors anymore.
4) Yes, tattoos hurt.
5) Direct Sunlight fades your tattoo (It isn't known whether it actually affects the pigments, or that the tattoo just shows the effects of the damage to your skin)
6) It's good for your tattoo (skin) to shave, epilate, wax and/or exfoliate once your tattoo is fully healed.
7) A tattoo is usually fully healed in 3-5 weeks.
8) A tattoo has become part of your body in 3-5 months.
9) The most common allergic/sensitivity colors are red and yellow.
10) Many people regret that they didn't put more thought into their first tattoo.
11) The tradition of Tattoo goes back over 6OOO years.
12) You can contract bloodborn diseases (Like Hepatitis, Staff infections, HIV) from home tattooists, (aka: "scratchers) who are ignorant to proper sterilization and cleanliness procedures.
13) You should contact me for a one of a kind custom tattoo!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #1 Things to do for BAE

Thirteen Things about Thorne's World
13 Things I need to do/pack for the Body Art Expo next week on Friday, Sat, Sun, July 20, 21, 22.
I hope I'll see some of ya'll there! That would be very cool!

Okay, peeples!! I'm doin' it! Next weekend beginning Friday (yep- I'll be missing for a few days around here)-- Ms Thorne, Auntie Thorne-- Thornishness, Thornie, will be appearing for your artistic tattooing pleasure, at the Pomona Body Art Expo, at the L.A. County Fairgrounds (aka: The Pomona Fairplex). This will be my first show as a participant. Hopefully, I'll be tattooing my little heart out! I'll be setting up shop with a friend who will be offering her gorgeous handmade baby items (tattoo style, of course), jewelry and cigar box purses for sale. This list should really be 1300 things to do/pack, but I suppose I'll stick with the meme!!


Make lists:

Grama care

critter care

house care

watering guide

emergency numbers

show furniture & displays


2) Homestuff:

make birdy bread


paint boxes

pay Bills

Do Laundry

3) Reference Books:

fantasy art books

horticulteral books

animal books

tribal tattoo history books

celtic designs

Pinup Books

Old School Flash

Evil Flash

4) Clean:


display cages and joints

rubbermaids (bins and drawers)

all non sterile equipment

brother laser thingy

show furniture & displays

ferret cage

5) Make Slideshows:

a) my ink

b) ink friends

c) ink shows

6) Update Portfolio:

crop prints


7) Sort and Organize:

Make 10 setups



grip covers





salves & lotions

8) Print:

Aftercare Instructions


9) Make Banner:






10) Blogging:

Saturday Daily Feature for SC

Show notice for An Artist's Journey

Next Week's TT

Next Week's WW

Venusday Love

11) Kristens:

take furniture

help finish her projects

layout 10' X 10' Booth Space

12) Ask My GirlyBoi for help!!!

13) Get done before Thursday:


Yikes!!! I forgot what a pain in the ass it is to get ready for a show!!! Oh, well, at least I don't have to design, make and pack a few K $$'s worth of Stained Glass! *whew*!!

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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