Wednesday, August 23, 2006

One Shot San Francisco

...I was able to head to San Francisco to work next to golden gate park at One Shot Tattoo with:::Dave "Dawg" Bobrick, Greg "Gmoney" Rojas, Karina "", Sky "boogie" Winchester, and thier awesome apprentice Gaytha. We had some good times, and those guys are amazing tattoo artists, if you ever get the chance to head over to San Fran, make hella sure you stop by One Shot!!!

I'll definitely miss this city, and will have to go back soon to check out more of it and hang at the Shamrock, and the Mucky Duck again!....Off to iowa!

Thursday, August 3, 2006

:::Tour Updates:::

Aug 10th-20th

Voodoo Custom Tattoo
106 Third Ave SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

319-365-8282 or 319-365-TAT2

Aug 21st-30th

Pure Imagination Tattoos
112 S. Main St.
Mount Pleasant, IA 52641


Sept 4th-13th

Skin Art Tat-2
2300 Dakota Ave.
So. Sioux City NE 68776

402 494-2919

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Red Hot Texas

Ah hometown (besides New York of course!) was typical triple-digit weather, and no snow to be seen. Thank goodness, though I did find myself missing the cold a couple of times...

I had the pleasure of working at Red Hot Tattoos, with Chilli, and Benny Shaw. They also have another location with Jamie English, Peanut, and Adam X.

I also took time to visit with family while I was there, which was nice, and spent july 4th swimming !...We also had a small family reunion and I was able to visit with my grandma (who rocks by the way!) and ate much

Me and the guys from the shop lit off as many fireworks as we could, Benny also called me before I left and told me of how he dropped a lit black cat into his toilet blowing a hole in it the size of a fist! Ha!
That kid is mad crazy, gotta love us tattoo artists! He also put one on my foot while I was asleep on the couch in the shop one day and they filmed it....don't fall asleep in the shop, or around us, cause crazy stuff happens!

All in all, it was good times with good friends and family, I hope to go back there soon! If you're in the area don't leave without getting some Red Hot Ink! And don't mess with Texas! Onward to San Francisco I go!


Stay tuned!

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